Lately, we have been talking a lot about recursion in class at U of T. Specifically, we have been asked to trace recursive functions in order to find their output. While this is fun on its own, I shall go to another level for the sake of keeping this blog interesting. I asked myself, why trace recursive functions when I can make a function that traces recursive functions for me? I call this recurception.
The code I came up with took me a fair amount of time, and makes use of the sys and inspect built-in modules. The code goes like this:
import sys
import inspect
def global_tracer(frame, event, arg):
""" (frame, str, object) -> function
Return a local tracer.
return local_tracer
def local_tracer(frame, event, arg):
""" (frame, str, object) -> function
Trace a local event and return itself.
if(event == "return"):
# Get function name
result = frame.f_code.co_name
if(not result.startswith("<") and result != "recurception"):
# Get function arguments and values
args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame)
# Build Result String
result += "("
arglist = ['"' + values[i] + '"' if isinstance(values[i], str) else repr(values[i]) for i in args]
result += ", ".join(arglist)
result += ") -> "
result += '"' + arg + '"' if isinstance(arg, str) else repr(arg)
# Print it
return local_tracer
def recurception(recursive, arguments):
""" (function, list of arguments) -> NoneType
Trace the recurssion of a recursive function.
result = recursive(*arguments)
In order to use it, you must define a recursive function (or any other type of function really), such as the following, taken from a class assignment/lab:
def nested_concat(L):
"""(list or str) -> str
Return L if it’s a str, if L is a (possibly-nested) str return
concatenation of str elements of L and (possibly-nested) sublists of L.
Assume: Elements of L are either str or lists with elements that
satisfy this same assumption.
if isinstance(L, str):
return L
else: # L is a possibly-nested list of str
return "".join([nested_concat(x) for x in L])
And run it through the recurception like this
>>> recurception(nested_concat, ["yes"])
nested_concat("yes") -> "yes"
>>> recurception(nested_concat, [[["yes", " it"], " works"]])
nested_concat("yes") -> "yes"
nested_concat(" it") -> " it"
nested_concat(['yes', ' it']) -> "yes it"
nested_concat(" works") -> " works"
nested_concat([['yes', ' it'], ' works']) -> "yes it works"
The first argument of recurception is a function, and the second is a list of arguments to pass to such function. It takes care of printing each call to a function and its return value, such that all recursion steps are logged. I thought it was fairly interesting, and learned a lot about Python tracing and the built-in data types such as frames and (precompiled) code.
Keep being recursive,
Juan Camilo Osorio